Episode #186: Will Your IUL Actually Perform? A Case Study Into Past and Potential Future IUL Returns


It’s always critical for Americans to review their retirement planning needs. With tax rates having a history of going up and down, tax planning can be challenging. What will the rates be when you retire? And what impact might the current pandemic have on the economy and taxes in the short- and long-term?

Retirement planning should begin with a tax-advantaged retirement account, but it shouldn’t end there. Incorporating tax-free vehicles, including life insurance, into your retirement plans can help make a marked difference in the amount of income you have available in retirement. When you invest in a life insurance policy, it’s important to know what to expect and how it will perform in the future.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Luke reviews how an IUL policy is credited, discusses the importance of Monte Carlo calculations in determining past performance, and breaks down an actual policy’s performance.

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About Luke Geller

Luke Geller is a Field Support Representative at Simplicity Group. He coaches hundreds of financial professionals on how to build effective financial strategies that achieve their clients' long term goals and helps them stay educated on the latest industry trends.