Episode #271: Triple Your Production with Circle of Wealth® Software


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

How do you show, rather than tell, interested prospects and clients how money works? What prospect data do you collect to create custom reports and financial plans? Every opportunity that you have to meet with a client is your chance to close a sale. Clients are inundated with generic financial advice and won’t implement a plan unless it’s from a trusted financial expert and the plan clearly addresses their goals. Circle of Wealth® provides you with the tools and training to be seen as a trusted expert so you can confidently deliver reliable financial strategies to your clients.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sal explains how to utilize this powerful communication tool to provide tailored financial solutions that can result in a sale.

Call Your FSR for a Software Demo

Do you want to see more of the Circle of Wealth® Software? Sal was only able to scratch the surface! Get in touch with your Field Support Representative (FSR) today to receive a personal walk-through of the most powerful communication tool in our industry. We'll strategize on how you can use the software to triple your production in 2023.

Sign Up for the Master Mentor Training Program

Industry legend Don Blanton will personally take you under his wing for three, 2-day "Master Mentor" sessions of intensive coaching and strategic planning at LifePro's headquarters in San Diego, CA. This will be the ONLY opportunity to attend a Master Mentor training by Don Blanton in 2023! Click here to register!

Resources Provided for This Episode

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About Sal Mendoza

Sal Mendoza is the Vice President of Field Support at Simplicity Group. He coaches hundreds of financial professionals on how to build effective financial strategies that achieve their clients' long term goals and helps them stay educated on the latest industry trends.