The 7 Secrets of Sales Success

Brian Tracy is the Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. Mr. Tracy will be headlining this year LifePro University on Wednesday, September 23rd in Carlsbad, California. If you would like to attend, you can do so by clicking here and registering today—space is limited.

At LPU Brian will show you how to sell more, faster, and easier than ever before, even against the most ferocious competition. He'll give you a series of practical, proven techniques you can use to get more appointments and make more sales. To find out more about Brian Tracy, please visit his website

There are 7 secrets of sales success. These are practiced by all of the highest paid salespeople every day.

The regular application of these principles is virtually guaranteed to move you to the top of your field and enable you to reach your career goals, and develop a positive attitude.

  1. Get serious! Make a decision to go all the way to the top of your field. Make a decision today to join the top 10%. There is no one and nothing that can hold you back from being the best and achieving your career goals except yourself.
  2. Identify your limiting skill to sales success. Identify your weakest single skill and make a plan to become absolutely excellent in that area. Ask yourself, and your boss, "What one skill, if I developed and did it consistently in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my sales?" Whatever your answer to this question, write it down, set a deadline, make a plan, and then work on it every day. This decision alone can change your life.
  3. Get around the right people. Get around successful people and associate with men and women who are going somewhere with their lives. Get away from negative, critical, complaining people. They drag you down, tire you out, distract and discourage you, and lead you inevitably to underachievement and failure.
  4. Take excellent care of your physical health. You need high levels of energy to sell effectively, and to bounce back from continual rejection and discouragement. Be sure to eat the right foods, get the right amount of exercise and get plenty of rest and recreation.
  5. Visualize yourself as one of the top people in your field. Imagine yourself performing at your best all day long. Imagine achieving your career goals. Feed your subconscious mind with vivid, exciting, emotionalized pictures of yourself as positive, confident, competent and completely in control of every part of your life. These clear mental pictures pre-program you and motivate you to sell at your best in any situation.
  6. Practice a positive attitude and positive self-talk continually. Control your inner dialogue. Talk to yourself the way you want to be talked to.
  7. Take positive action toward your career goals, every single day. Be proactive rather than reactive. Grab the bull by the horns. If you are not happy with your income, get out there and get face to face with more customers. If you are not happy with any part of your life, accept responsibility and take charge.

About Dan Tatulli

Dan Tatulli is the Marketing Director at Simplicity Group. He works with financial professionals on strategic marketing and branding campaigns to deliver relevant and timely content to their community.