Episode #62: How to Make an Extra $20,000 of Income Without Adding Extra Expense

Want to earn up to $20,000 for each MDRT level producer you introduce to LifePro? Start adding value to your industry relationships while adding revenue to your bottom line when you take advantage of the LifePro Referral Program!

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Sal explains the benefits of welcoming your colleagues to LifePro through a referral program that you can both enjoy.


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This post is intended for financial professional use only.

Video transcription

Hi, my name is Sal Mendoza and welcome back to Money Script Monday. Today we're going to be talking about how to make an extra $20,000 of income without adding any extra expenses.

Recently I handed an agent $20,000. The question is, how did he do it? He did it by referring an agent that had never done business with us.

The question is, how did he receive that $20,000? Let me break that down for you into three different segments.

Receive 5% on each referrals production

receive 5 percent on each referrals production

The first one is that he will receive 5% up to $100,000. So once that agent who's been referred to LifePro produces $100,000, the agent who referred him will receive $5,000.

It's also important to notice that we're not going to pay anything until that agent reaches $50,000, so that's a small disclosure.

Earn up to $15,000 at production levels

earn up to $15,000 at production levels

Let's move on to the second segment. Second segment is we have two bonuses in our referral program to you.

The first one is when the referred agent reaches $50,000, and the second is when he reaches $100,000.

When he reaches $50,000, we're going to send you, the referral agent, $5,000-check. And as soon as that agent hits $100,000, we're going to send you $10,000-check.

$10,000-check, $5,000-check plus the 5% up to $100,000 altogether is $20,000.

While we were working on this program, we decided, "Okay, what can we do for the agent who came on board? We want to give them a great experience working with MarketPro, working with the FSRs, the case designers, the case management team."

We decided that, "Hey, you know what? Let's go ahead and also throw in an incentive for the agent who's doing business with LifePro."

Referral receives $250 bonus on each policy submitted

referral receives $250 bonus on each policy submitted

So, we are also going to send him $250-check for his first five cases.

When LifePro receives the policy, we're going to scrub them, ship them off to the insurance company, and as soon as they put a policy number on them, we're going to go ahead and send that referred agent $250 five different times for his first five cases.

Now, the other thing that I want to do here, for disclosure, is that we do not count any kind of qualified annuities, but we do count nonqualified annuity business.

The question that you have to think about as you're thinking about this program is, "Hey, how can I earn $20,000?"

Ideal Referral

ideal referral candidate

Let's stop here for a quick second. You have your pen in front of you. You've probably been taking some notes. I want you to think of three people.

What does that ideal agent look like? Who is that person who's not doing business with us? What kind of advisor do we want to work with and that you want to refer?"

Well, there's three different types:

  • An independent advisor who's been in the business for at least 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years plus
  • An investment advisor who has around $10 million assets under management
  • You have a relationship with an IRA or a third-party or a broker-dealer

These would be ideal people. So, for a quick second, think about those and then write down three people that fit one of these qualities.

Contact LifePro

Then I want you to give LifePro a call at (888)543-3776 and ask to speak to your FSR so that you can also earn $20,000 without adding any extra expense. My name's Sal. Thank you for allowing me to be of service today.

Additional Resources

  • For more information on the LifePro Referral Program™ click here to view the brochure.

About Sal Mendoza

Sal Mendoza is the Vice President of Field Support at Simplicity Group. He coaches hundreds of financial professionals on how to build effective financial strategies that achieve their clients' long term goals and helps them stay educated on the latest industry trends.