Episode #176: How to Eliminate Market Recovery Using an IUL


In these days of self-directed retirement accounts, many people tie their savings to the stock market through 401(k) plans and IRAs, which can do very well during a period of market growth. However, it can be a concern when stocks are in a downward trend or experience extreme losses. Guaranteed income-tax-free death benefits can protect clients’ income and assets from market volatility during their working years and beyond, and provide a potential legacy when markets recover.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Marcus unpacks the cost of recovering a portfolio’s losses and explains how to incorporate an indexed universal life policy into your retirement strategy to reduce these risks.

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About Marcus Kiel

Marcus Kiel is a Field Support Representative at Simplicity Group. He coaches hundreds of financial professionals on how to build effective financial strategies that achieve their clients' long term goals and helps them stay educated on the latest industry trends.