Episode #354: Accelerate Conversions with Cross-Channel Marketing


This post is intended for financial professional use only.

To effectively convert prospects, you need to be where they are. From first impressions to booked appointments, multiple, frequent, and diverse touchpoints in today’s marketing landscape are crucial to closing business.

Our approach builds relationships naturally without overwhelming clients with information. From webinars to email nurturing, each channel uniquely builds trust, familiarity, and loyalty so you can ultimately cultivate a dynamic and thriving marketing ecosystem.

In this episode of Money Script Monday, Jaime outlines a robust multi-channel marketing strategy with actionable steps to expedite conversions while creating lasting, meaningful relationships with life-long clients.

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About Jaime Ramirez

Jaime Ramirez is a Marketing Coordinator at Simplicity Group. He works with financial professionals on strategic marketing and branding campaigns to deliver relevant and timely content to their community.