LifePro Blog

All of the latest and breaking life insurance and annuity news for the independent financial professional. Includes marketing ideas, training events, industry reports, sales ideas and much more.

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Hurry! It Might Be Too Late!

This sense of urgency is real. As I write this post, there are literally a few seats (possibly even one seat!) remaining for our upcoming LifePro training event: Van Mueller Sales Secrets on Wednesday, May 28th.
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Charitable Gifts of Life Insurance

When most of us buy life insurance, we're thinking about one thing: Making sure our families are taken care of after we're gone. But, you might also want to think about setting up a policy to take care of your favorite charity as well.
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2014 Marketing Plan for a Financial Advisor

What a 2013 you had. Coming off of such a successful year, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “How do I capitalize on that success and make 2014 even better?” If you want to have the most satisfying and lucrative year yet in your practice, you must have an effective marketing plan.