Episode #50: 5 Biggest Takeaways From 50 Episodes of Money Script Monday

Money Script Monday has hit 50 episodes! Thank you to everyone who helped get us here and a big thank you to the 1,400+ financial professionals who have participated in this new endeavor. In this episode of Money Script Monday, Dan recaps the first year of Money Script Monday and provides an opportunity for you to be a part of future episodes.


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This post is intended for financial professional use only.

Video transcription

Hello there, and welcome back to a special episode. This is the 50th episode of Money Script Monday.

My name is Dan Tatulli, and today we're going to be talking about the five biggest takeaways from 50 episodes of Money Script Monday.

What I would hope to provide you today on this video is we're going to do kind of a reflection of the past few episodes.

Give you guys some insight, kind of peel back the curtain there and show you some of the insights, statistics, some of our most popular videos.

Lastly, we're going to end off with an opportunity for you to participate in upcoming Money Script Monday videos, so stay tuned for that.

Before I get into the takeaways, I would just like to say on behalf of LifePro, thank you. Thank you for making Money Script Monday what it is today.

When we first started this out late last year, this was June last year, and I don't know if you guys have been around with us long enough to know that the way LifePro used to provide education was doing a webinar every single day, five days a week, 52 weeks a year.

And while the information was great, we kind of felt that it ran its course.

What we wanted to do was just kind of take a different path, a different direction, and that's what spurred this Money Script Monday idea.

We didn't know at first if this was going to be a success or not. But 50 episodes in, I could say confidently that this has been a tremendous success.

We're super excited to be providing you guys this information like this every single Monday, and it's all because of you.

There's 1,400 of you out there who have watched the Money Script Monday video.

So with that, thank you very much. And let's get into the takeaways.

Mission of Money Script Monday

Takeaway number one is the mission of Money Script Monday.

mission of money script monday

So if you haven't been with us from the beginning, you might not even know what money script is.

It's not just a flashy title, there is meaning behind it.

If you Google what money script is, it's actually the belief somebody has about how money works.

Whether it's right or wrong, that's the belief that they have. So, for example, my parents saved their money in a 401(k) and they had a successful retirement.

401(k) equals a successful retirement. I'm going to put my money in there.

So again, whether it's right or wrong, it's just a belief that somebody has about how money works.

The mission of these Money Script videos is to just provide some financial clarity out there, dispel some of the myths and really show you guys how money works in 10 minutes or less.

A lot of these videos are consumer friendly here because I mentioned your clients. So not only are you being educated on this, but we wanted the majority of these videos to be consumer friendly.

Looking back at these 50 episodes, 75% of them are consumer friendly.

That's 37 videos you guys now have at your fingertips that you can share with your colleagues and your clients.

That's huge, that's tremendous, because a year ago, we didn't have any of that.

Our webinars were just all financial professional-focused and we couldn't really provide you that.

But looking back a year, now we have 37 videos that you guys can share. So that's huge.

Lastly, five topics. These Money Script Monday videos focus around life insurance, annuities, investments, concepts, kind of like circle of wealth, and then lastly, sales and marketing.

All of those topics are consumer friendly, except for the sales and marketing ones. Those are the ones that you just want to be sharing with your colleagues, so keep that in mind.

Social Share Capabilities

The next one, takeaway number two are the social share capabilities.

money script monday social share capabilities

We didn't roll this out in the very beginning, but during the first few episodes and over those months we've created social share buttons and a portal for you guys to access, and custom landing pages.

If you don't know it already, you guys have that capability.

We've added social share buttons so you could share this on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

We also have a Money Script Monday portal. So that's something inside.

What you have to do is create a LifePro account if you haven't done so already.

What you have access to is, we'll list, line by line, every single episode that we've done, and just by a click of a button, it creates a fully custom page for you.

Your profile picture, your logo, your information, and this video is just embedded on that.

What you see here right now, it's all LifePro branded. But what you can have is a custom page.

Again, create a LifePro account if you haven't done so already.

If you're not clear on how to share these videos just yet, I would go back to Episode 20. That's where I do a screen cast and show you how to log in, how to start sharing these videos with your clients and colleagues there.

So that was takeaway number two.

IUL Costs

Takeaway number three has been the most popular topic that we've talked about here at Money Script Monday.

indexed universal life costs

The IUL cost, or the charges of it.

It's really to no surprise because if you think about it, that is some of the common objections that you hear with indexed universal life.

If you haven't done so, episode number four has been the most popular video that we have had throughout these 50 videos.

Brian does a great job talking about the associated costs with an index universal life policy.

Definitely check that one out, bookmark that one on your page so you can always go back to it and share it with your clients.

Episode number 10, that was test drive an IUL calculator.

This is a great one for your clients. So just by a click of a button with a few forms, like a name and health, they could actually generate a report in under a few minutes, without the case design team, without anything.

They could see how IUL can make an impact in their retirement portfolio. So that's a great episode to watch.

And then number 47, this has been a runner up to number four right now. We're tracking the numbers.

Kevin does a great job talking about why are the charges so high in the early years of an index universal life policy.

Again, if you haven't focused on these, go back to them, episode 4, 10 and 47.

So that was takeaway number three.

Back to Basics

Takeaway number four, this is the most surprising one because I thought you guys liked the statistics and the inner workings of index universal life, and a fixed index annuity, but actually, it's just going back to basics.

money script monday iul annuities

Things like: Which policy is right for me? Is the 4% rule applicable to today? What type of return can I expect from index universal life and how to properly fund the policy?

So if you haven't done so already, these have been some of our most popular ones. I would go back, rewatch them, share them with your colleagues, with your clients, episode number 2, number 3, number 31, and number 43.

Continue to Evolve

And then last but not least Money Script Monday, we're always continuing to evolve this platform.

money script monday continue to evolve survey

When we started this, we kind of knew where it was going to go, but we want this to evolve and grow as you grow.

And that's really been the core mission, you could say, of this.

We want to grow your practice, and we can't do that without you.

What we'd like to do is offer you guys a survey right now. What you see below this video, you'll see a button there.

Click that button.

It's just a simple survey, maybe 8, 9, 10 questions.

Just asking you guys your feedback, your advice for future episodes, and even just providing some tips on what you think might be a good topic for some of us here.

Because we meet every quarter and just kind of outline what the next quarter is going to look like with those topics. So we're always interested in hearing your feedback and how to make this platform that much more successful.

So with that said, again, thank you very much for these 50 episodes, and here's to 50 more and beyond. So, thanks again, and fill out that survey.

About Dan Tatulli

Dan Tatulli is the Marketing Director at Simplicity Group. He works with financial professionals on strategic marketing and branding campaigns to deliver relevant and timely content to their community.